Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Una Rey: The grass is darker..the violent grass

The Drawing Room: Violent grass series of paintings followed a family holiday to the UK in mid-2010. A combination of domestic drawing rooms, family stories ( in-laws histories) and their insinuated imagery drove the work. My own thoughts roam on the extension of Empire based on a certain 'disregard' for children - as the English might put it, in a typically understated manner- and how this played at least a part in the violence on which colonialism thrived. This is a simple explanation for a complex history.

lean to haiku,
away from the tome
grave-stones slope in
a long sweet lawn

Exhibition dates: March weds 9- sat 26, 2011 Podspace 3/231 King St Newcastle
Gallery hours: wed-sat 12-5pm

1 comment:

Andrew Finnie said...

Hello Una, it was a great show! Waiting for the next one :)